Making Self-Tape Auditions Accessible
Equity’s Deaf and Disabled Members Committee have developed guidance for casting directors to make self-tape auditions accessible
Equity’s Deaf and Disabled Members Committee have developed guidance for casting directors to make self-tape auditions accessible
Unlimited provides a wide range of resources around access in the arts for both artists and audiences
The UK’s first professional deaf launched and led theatre company that works bilingually in British Sign Language and…
Breaking down barriers, challenging preconceptions and boldly placing d/Deaf and disabled artists centre stage
A critical movement in the UK theatre sector, striving for a step change in the inclusion and integration…
A disability-led arts organisation which works to improve access to culture for disabled people
Supporting ambitious, creative projects by outstanding disabled artists and companies across theatre, dance, music, literature, film and more
A video database of D/deaf and disabled actors for use by casting directors
A practical toolkit to make outdoor arts events more accessible to deaf and disabled audiences and artists
A host of resources on improving access to culture for disabled people including top tips and a useful…
Resources helping to place d/Deaf and disabled artists centre stage, including a Media Language Guide and Access Essentials…